DK7FC managed reports from RN3AGC, RW3ADB, RX3DHR, TF3HZ, W1TAG, W1VD and YO/4X1RF. The distance to W1VD was a new distance record for this mode on 137kHz at 6096km. He was also received by an experimental Russian team, RD4HU, who were running a 1km long receive antenna.
My own results were less spectacular as I run much less ERP than Stefan, but my best reports are shown below. Note that where these stations reported my signals several times, I have just shown those with the best signal / noise figure.
07:24 136 G3XDV de GW0EZY Op32 233 km +1 dB in Welshpool IO82HO
[Decodes all night]
[Decodes all night]
04:00 136 G3XDV de PA3ABK Op32 338 km -14 dB in Dordrecht
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[Decodes all night]
02:22 136 G3XDV de TF3HZ Op32 1858 km -26 dB in Reykjavik
[6 decodes between 0043 and 0254UTC]
[6 decodes between 0043 and 0254UTC]
01:16 136 G3XDV de RX3DHR Op32 2582 km -38 dB in Zaraysk
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[1 decode only]
22:58 136 G3XDV de RN3AGC Op32 2483 km -35 dB in Moscow
[3 decodes between 2258 and 0149UTC]
[3 decodes between 2258 and 0149UTC]