Thursday, 20 September 2012

136kHz DX - 13 to 17 Sep

13 September: I transmitted Opera32 between 0015 and 0800UTC. Eight stations in six countries (G, RV, SM, F, TF, DL) reported my signals.
DX included: TF3HZ (1858km, he decoded every one of my transmissions, mostly at -25 to -27dB signal / noise ratio); SM2DJK (1780km, my best report -27 S/N); RV3APM (2470km, all decodes until 0337UTC, best report -23dB); RX3DHR (2582km, all decodes between 0126 and 0304UTC, best S/N -35).

DX achieved by others included:
VE7BDQ received by KL1X (2147km)
DF2JP by TF3HZ (2194km)
G8HUH by TF3HZ (1807km)
UA4WPF by SM2DJK (1958km), M0LMH (3375km), UA0AET (2385km) and UA0SNV-1 (2889km)
DF7FC by RN3AGC (2053km), R7NT (2233km), RV3APM (2065km)

14-15 September: I transmitted Opera32 from time to time during the evening, then continuously between 2200 and 0830UTC. Nine stations in six countries (GW, RV, SM, F, TF, DL) reported my signals.
DX included: TF3HZ (1858km, best report -24dB signal / noise, at 0441UTC); SM2DJK (1780km, best -28dB at 0230 and 0441UTC); RN3AGC (2483km, best -38dB at 0303UTC); RV3APM (2470km, best -33dB at 0230UTC); RX3DHR (2582km, best -36dB at 0230 and 0303UTC).

DX achieved by others included:
DK7FC was received by TF3HZ (2438km), W1VD (6096km at 0022, 0055, 0234, 0307, 0339, 0412 and 0518UTC), RN3AGC (2053km), RX3DHR (2124km), RV3APM (2065km) and UA0SNV-1 (5739km at 2224UTC)
DF2JP by TF3HZ (2194km) and SM2DJK (1599km)
UA4WPF by SM2DJK (1958km), UA0SNV-1 (2889km)

15-16 September: I transmitted an Opera32 beacon at 1730, 2015 and then from 2235 to 0830UTC. Twelve stations in eight countries (G, GW, RN, SM, TF, DL, I, F) reported my signals.
DX included TF3HZ (best report was -25dB signal / noise at 0236, 0359 and 0512UTC); RX3DHR (2582km, best -33dB at 0148UTC) and RN3AGC (2483km, best -34dB at 0148, 0221 and 0253UTC).

DX achieved by others included:
DF2JP was received by TF3HZ (2194km) and SM2DJK (1599km).
DK7FC was received by TF3HZ (2438km), RN3AGC (2053km), RW3ADB (2044km) and RA9CUA (3507km).
UA4WPF was received by UA0AET-1 (2385km) and SM2DJK (1958km).

16-17 September: I transmitted an Opera32 beacon at 1600, 1900, 2030, 2300 and 2330UTC. Nine stations in seven countries (G, GW, RV, SM, PA, TF, DL) reported my signals.
DX included: TF3HZ (1858km, best report -29dB signal/noise at 0007UTC) and RV3APM (2065km, best -36dB at 2334UTC).

DX achieved by others included:
PA0A was received by TF3HZ (2012km), RV3APM (2008km) and RN3AGC (2019km).