Monday, 18 February 2013

Mid-Feb 136kHz Receiving

After another short break in activity caused by family illness, I am able to monitor 136kHz again.

Sun/Mon 17-18 February: Decoded Opera32 beacons overnight from UA4WPF (3422km), RN3AGC and a new station SV8CS (2261km) who was received at 2244, 0024, 0204, 0344 and 0523UTC, peaking -33dB S/N.

Sat/Sun 16-17 February: Decoded Opera32 beacons overnight from UA4WPF (7 decodes between 1933 and 0204UTC) peaking -35dB S/N and RN3AGC at 2119UTC.

Fri/Sat 15-16 February: Decoded Opera32 beacons overnight from RN3AGC and RN3AUS.