Thursday, 19 July 2012

Overnight 136kHz test

Last night, I transmitted my callsign in QRSS120 (two minutes dot length) from 2000 to 0830UTC. DK7FC (top) and PA3CPM (bottom) were also active in the same 2Hz slot between 136.1702 and 136.1722kHz. Propagation was better than the previous night and my transmission was just visible for most of the night. The picture below shows the best part. It is actually two screen shots stitched together from TF3HZ's Iceland grabber (click on the image to enlarge). It is interesting to see the slow fading which not only takes out the end of my callsign, but also affects the German and Dutch stations at the same time. Often this fading can affect different stations at different times, indicating more complex propagation paths.